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The Carrot App: The Modern Agriculture Technology That Will Transform the World

It's hard not to get a bit cynical sometimes about the overwhelming amount of smart phone apps, programs and devices we can use to connect "The Internet of Things.". Do we really need all these apps to live a fulfilling life? Our refrigerators can order food for us. Thermostats can tell us how and when to heat our house. Shoes with built in GPS can tell us how to get home; wristbands can tell us our pulse rate. It's a tad overwhelming to keep up with all the new apps. Often I wish we could go back to the quiet time when we were not so disconnected by being so connected.

What a delighful surprise it was to discover the really cool app called Carrot that makes an eco-cynic like me really happy! The genius inventors are surely going to get super rich. I am totally getting this app ASAP. The Carrot app is way too complicated to explain easily, so it is best you just watch the video above.

Anyone who cares about their health or the health of the planet needs the Carrot app. Make sure you get the organic version of the app if you can afford to.

For more info on this brilliant innovation check out

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