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Petition Station: Instead of Reacting..Take Action: Stop Walmart's Attack On Rooftop Solar

The Walton family has unleashed its immense resources on a campaign attacking rooftop solar in the United States. Why?

The Waltons own a majority stake in First Solar, a Malaysia-based corporation that manufactures large-scale commercial solar arrays that utilities may buy and add to their energy mix to meet state clean energy standards. First Solar is putting a bet on utility-scale solar, which wants to rig the playing field by suppressing residential solar installations. In a nakedly self-serving move, First Solar is working to impose fees on residential households with rooftop solar.

First Solar sees rooftop solar as a competitive threat, and is heavily involved in cutthroat campaigns nationwide to destroy the residential rooftop solar industry and make it harder for Americans to go solar.

Tell the Walton family: Stop your campaign to make it harder for Americans to go solar. Click here to sign the petition.

Tell the billionaire Walton family: "Stop attacking solar power. Donating millions to anti-solar organizations and rigging the rules to destroy rooftop solar undercuts American clean energy and jeopardizes our transition to a sustainable economy."

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